Financial Management - Mo Money in the Hands of Women

At Cura we know that when women support women in business and leadership, we can all create more innovation, equity, and positive change in our communities. It’s the core belief underpinning all we do and all that we are. 

Here are three things to think about when it comes to our money, our sovereignty, our values, and looking out for ourselves. 

1. Gender queer, single women, entrepreneurial women, and others who don't go the way of traditional work or traditional marriage also probably won't go the way of traditional retirement. Heck, what will traditional retirement even mean in the next decade or so? Plan ahead, loves. Get an accountant, get to the library, get on the internet and plan ahead.

2. The Glass Ceiling still looms large. The 2022 "Women CEOs in America" report counted 44 female CEOs of Fortune 500 companies-which was a 10.8% hike from the year before. How many of those 41 out of 500 women were Black? Five. Five! We need more women, and more women of color, in more powerful roles. 

3. The so-called Pink Tax is real. Not to be confused with federal or state taxes, the Pink Tax refers to price hikes on women's products. Think razors, deodorant, soap, and other products that can be overtly marketed to women, and then elevated in price because of it. The Pink Tax burdens women of color, fat women, and disabled women even more, because they pay more for hair care, clothing, and other necessities and still have fewer options. Rep. @jackiespeier recently reintroduced The Pink Tax Repeal Act to end gender discrimination across goods and services on a national level. Like we said, more women and more women of color in powerful roles.