February 05, 2020 1 min read

Joy McBrien, the founder of Fair Anita Jewelry, is just like her name. She's an infectious, bright, badass champion for women and girls everywhere. Her "joyful" command of her purpose has quickly made Fair Anita a leading "go to" brand in the Fair Trade retail market.

"Fair Anita was built on a vision....In 2009, our founder Joy McBrien set out to learn about violence against women in Peru, which has one of the highest rates of reported domestic violence in the world. During the months she spent building a women’s shelter in Chimbote, Peru, Joy met many survivors of domestic violence and learned about their stories of survival and resilience. Each of these women expressed that jobs are the single most important resource for women experiencing domestic violence, knowing that sustainable income would help empower them to leave an abusive partner. Joy founded Fair Anita from the lessons she learned in Chimbote, and to this day our work remains grounded in supporting women’s resilience through responsive business relationships.

Fair Anita is a social enterprise that exists to create opportunities for women and girls, selling trendy (and affordable!) fair trade products made by over 8,000 talented yet marginalized women in 9 countries. In other words, we are women investing in other women."

I mean come on, what's not to love, right?

Shop Fair Anita.

Also in Art & Design

Finding my Re-purpose by Amy Stone
Finding my Re-purpose by Amy Stone

June 24, 2023 3 min read

"My paintings are not perfect. There are unintentional drips and marks. I do not tape my edges and often don't paint my edges. I like things to be natural and real because that is life." - Amy Stone
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Summer Book Club x Remake Speaker Series

June 22, 2023 1 min read

Let's read! The Remake Seattle Community is joining forces with The Cura Co. again this summer to talk about the impacts of climate change, focusing on the things we love to wear and the people who make them. We will be reading Climate Optimism by Zahra Biabani and, along the way, holding space for intimate conversations with local makers. Sign up for the book club here and find a copy in-store at the front desk of Elliott Bay Book Company for 10% off.
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Portals Series by Shannon Kelly - Orphan Ten

November 01, 2022 4 min read

"Inspired by the juxtaposition of daydreams and the mundane while caregiving and navigating the healthcare system during the pandemic, these new sculptural forms are a result of healing escapism – a soft home for nourishing emotions and integrating transformation"
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